Corporate Rental Near Fehmarn Belt Construction Site in Rødbyhavn - Rented

Location: Rødbyhavn, Denmark
Property Size: 134 square meters
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 2
Garden: 800 square meters
Status: Newly Renovated and Fully Furnished

Old fisherman house - Renovated

Private/Corporate Rental 9km away from Fehmarn Belt Construction Site in Rødbyhavn- Secluded in the middle of nature- Rented

Location: Rødbyhavn, Denmark
Property Size: 120 square meters
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
Garden: 1000 square meters
Status: Newly Renovated and Fully Furnished

Exclusive Corporate Rental in Lolland - Torsøvej 3, Errindelev -Rented

Location: Lolland, Errindelev, Denmark
Property Size: 180 square meters
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 2
Status: Newly Renovated

Family / Corporate house - Renovated - Rented

Location: Holleby, Denmark
Property Size: 175 square meters
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 2
Garden: 1000 square meters
Status: Newly Renovated and Fully Furnished

Coasy family house in the heart of Errindlev

Location: Errindlev, Denmark
Property Size: 85 square meters
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
Garden: 300 square meters
Status: Newly Renovated and Fully Furnished

Upcoming projects

Central 180 sqm House in Holleby